
Friday, November 22, 2013

Upcoming Events

ICON Christmas Luncheon: Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am

The ICON Annual Christmas luncheon will take place on Wednesday December 11th at ll.30am.
Once again this will be held at the charming venue at Baerums Verk.  The Restaurant is called Vaertshuset and you can check it out here:

The cost for the lunch is 390 NOK for ICON Members and 420 NOK for non-members. We will also be offering our Members a Complimentary glass of wine, soft drink or coffee upon arrival!

Please make your payment to ICON Account No: 7131.11.99433. Last date for bookings is Wednedsay 4th December, 2013.

Limited don`t delay!

Once payment is received, your reservation will be confirmed. (please put Veg* if you require a vegetarian dish) and once you have paid, please send an email to
informing payment has been authorised so she can keep track of numbers.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Charity Christmas Raffle Info

The Raffle held at the Christmas Luncheon the past two years has been a great success and great fun! It is slightly different from our usual monthly raffle in that we ask members to donate "mystery prizes".

These are gifts which are already wrapped and ready to put under your tree or to pass on as a gift to someone you love!

 (a discreet description of the contents in an envelope attached to the outside, makes this possible).  

Because this is a rather special occasion and a big fundraiser for our Charities at this time of the year, we ask that the value of this gift is not less than 200NOK.  This helps with the sale of our tickets and guarantees that the lucky winners get a lovely prize. Please remember that this is OPTIONAL and NO ONE is under any obligation! We need both donors and ticket whichever  you are, you are helping to raise funds for our charities and will make a difference whilst hopefully having some good fun!!

ICON COFFEE MORNING Friday 29th November from 10am

Our next coffee morning will be held at:
Hotel link Bristol Hotel on Friday 29th November at 10am. Please come and join us in the lead up to Christmas. Town will be very festive and the hotel`s world famous hot chocolate as well as coffee will be on the go!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

                    Enjoy the run up to the holidays is a very special time in Oslo!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Upcoming Events

ICON Coffee Morning:

Friday October 25th at 10am

Please join us for coffee and chat at:
The Thief Hotel in Tjuvholmen (downstairs lounge) from 10am 

FILM SCREENING : October 30th

PHILOMENA:  a true story and a lovely movie, starring Judi Dench. Please see trailer for yourself:

It will be launched in Norway 15. November.


Members of ICON have been invited for a free-of-charge screening onWednesday 30 October at 12:15 at Filmen Hus, Dronningensgate 16, Oslo. Film starts precisely at 12:15.

After the screening you will be given out a questionnaire which they would like the audience to fill out since this is the purpose of the screening.


The screening has limited space, therefore it will be first-come, first-served. No signing-up in advance. So come in good time. Other international organizations will also be invited. 


The Norwegian site is:


The English site, IMDB:


Cocktail Party!

Saturday 2nd November at 7pm


You are cordially invited by ICON Board and Committee to our

"Meet the Partners"

Cocktail Party

Date: Saturday November 2nd, 2013

Time: 7 PM onwards

Location: Pamela Brooks’ House

Address: Will be forwarded on receipt of payment

RSVP: by 28th October

Cost: NOK 200 p/p to include Welcome Fizz and Canapés

Payment toICON Account No: 7131.11.99433

(Part of the money will be donated to an ICON charity)


If you think you may be very thirsty - BYOB! (Soft drinks



All members Welcome .... With or without partner!...Book early...

Limited numbers!



Thursday, October 10, 2013

Upcoming EVENTS and NEWS

Dear ICON Members...Happy Autumn!

For most of us, this is a time of transition...we say goodbye to summer...the leaves are beginning to turn and our children have headed back to school or college. Change is in the air! Pumpkins will soon be glowing in the fields.The days are shorter and crisp mornings signal winter`s approach.  Well summer may be well and truly gone but Autumn in Oslo can be just beautiful.Get out walking with the Walking or Explore Oslo Groups. Check out the end of summer sales and use autumn`s brisk and breezy days to shop to create a comfortable home all ready for the winter...Stock up on your candles and wash those fleeces and wraps for outside.You may have to wrap up summer`s outdoor areas but there is something comforting about coming inside for the winter evenings!! For many of you this will be your first Autumn in Oslo and you will find it to be a wonderful will start to notice all the candles burning brightly in all the stores and restaurants and you will really appreciate all the heaters outside and enjoy being able to sit under them Norwegian style with a warm hot chocolate on a cold day. Perhaps you will be thinking about the forthcoming ski season and you can check out the ski gear that will start to slowly appear in the shops..there are normally super sales in October.  Over the past six years, I`ve come to see that I have two choices in how I approach the changing seasons... I can either resist it or be open to what`s ahead and feel excited!
I am sure just about all of us are going through some significant change in our life right now. Has your husband started a new job, or has your child just started kindergarten/a new school,or perhaps you are a recent empty-nester? Maybe you are you settling into a completely new home, routine and environment? I do hope most of you have signed up for all the activities we have on offer here at ICON. From experience, I know you will slowly start to make new friends, new routines and look forward to the ever changing seasons that this beautiful country as to offer.

With Best wishes,

Vivien Black

Tuesday 15th October, 2013

Members Meeting at Hovik Church at 10am

Speaker:  Janne Stromme, Clinical Nutritionist

We are delighted to have Janne Stromme as our speaker on Tuesday.  Janne has a background as a Chef and then a Clinical Nutritionist at the University in Oslo.  Janne is going to speak to us about food choices in Norway and how to make the "right and healthy choices" in the best way! She will explain about the meaning of Norwegian Labels to help us choose and recognise foods we like and which like us! Janne has spent 8 years working with primarily familiar hypercholesterolemia and heart disease. She has also worked for one year in the Norwegian Meat and Marketing Board.  For the last two years she has had her own practice in Best Helse, a private health care Center in Nordstrand.


Thank you to our wonderful hospitality team who are all set to offer us delicious offerings at our forthcoming meetings...however..don`t forget that they are always very grateful for any contributions from members if you feel like whipping up a dish on a whim!


We will announce the Charities which we are supporting this year at the meeting on Tuesday...on that note...please contact our Charity Coordinators if you are able to donate anything for our Raffle (or feel free just to bring along on the day)

The Raffle raised 1100 NOK at the September meeting and wish to thank everyone who bought tickets and donated items. 

Friday October 25th, 2013

Coffee Morning at the stylish "Thief Hotel" in Tjuvholmen from 10am

Saturday November 2nd, 2013

Activity News

We now have 12 activities up and running this session.  You can still sign up for more activities on Tuesday and if you are unable to attend for any reason...please contact our Activity Coordinator on: for more information.

Walking Group
Monday Walking Group

The walking group had a lovely walk on Monday and these are some of the wonderful photographs which our new ICON photographer Lili Jeszenszky took on the walk.

Autumn in Oslo

Movie Night

September`s Movie night was a great success. A group of ladies enjoyed a film together and then 8 moved on for dinner out. We plan to hold the next movie night towards the end of November.

Explore Oslo

This was the last week of the Munch exhibitions at the National Gallery and Munch Museum. The Explore Oslo Group visited the University Auala Hall, Gallery and Museum, taking in a spot of lunch along the way.  If you wish to sign up for ICON`s Explore Oslo Group to participate in future events, then please email - don`t forget that in order to participate in any of ICON`s Activities, then you must be a paid-up member of ICON and on that note..a quick reminder that Tuesday`s meeting at Hovik is the final payment day in order to receive the discount membership of 350NOK as opposed to 400NOK.

Future Information from ICON

Make sure you sign up to receive the NEWSBLOG by email. We will not be sending out general emails to our membership from now on. From lst November, all information will be on the NEWSBLOG and if you have not signed up to receive it by email, you will miss out on future updates. So scroll up now to the top of the page and press the link which will activate your subscription.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Social Events Coming Up this Week

Coffee Morning:
Tuesday 24th September from 11am
@ Cafe Celsius on the corner of Christiania Square. This cafe boasts the oldest room in Oslo dating from 1626!

Fancy a Night at the Movies?

Movie: Blue Jasmine
At: Saga Kino, By National Theater
Time: 6 PM(18:00)
**Dinner afterwards at Hard Rock Cafe or TGIF for those interested**

Please contact Ruma at if you are interested. Please mention if you will be joining for dinner also. Ruma will buy the tickets and payment information will be sent later.

Friday, September 13, 2013


President -Vivien Black

Dear ICON Members,

I hope you and your families have all enjoyed a wonderful summer break!
All of us on the ICON Board are excited about the beginning of another great year, and we extend our sincerest welcome not only to our returning members, but of course to our brand new ICON members who have joined us from all over the world.
I consider myself fortunate and honored to once again be ICON’s President this year, and to be part of a strong ICON team, which enjoyed such a successful 2012-13 session. Our Committee has the explicit goal of helping our members experience the best of Norway by organizing social and cultural experiences beyond the confines of our meetings at the Høvik Church Hall. To that end, we offer a wide range of activities, talks, and tours in and around Oslo—and in this news blog and on our website you’ll find a roster of our current activities as well as a calendar of our monthly meetings for the year. I know it can be difficult to say goodbye to family and friends at the end of the summer and get back into a good routine so my advice is this: Throw  yourself into anything you can and appreciate all the new and wonderful opportunities that come your way, especially through ICON. I hope you will be encouraged to try new skills this session, or even set up activities which you think would be enjoyable to others. We appreciate any input from you our members. After all it is your Club! I am looking forward to meeting you all again soon (be it at Mah Jong, on the tennis court, the ski slope, at knitting, Vision Boarding, or over a coffee) throughout the year! Meanwhile, please feel free to contact me, our Vice President Marie Clark Orring, or indeed any of the Committee if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions to help us continue to make ICON an enriching and rewarding experience.
With Best Wishes,
Vivien Black

Some of our Committee for 2013/14....

ICON Members Meeting on Tuesday 17th September at 10am 
Høvik church hall, Sandviksveien 11,
1363 Høvik. 

Please be aware that there is a large funeral on at the Church that morning and we have been asked to suggest to ICON members not to park up at the Church on that first day. Indeed there is free parking every day over at the supermarket and most members find this to be the most suitable place to park on a regular basis especially as there is on-going construction work around that area.

We welcome donations of books for our monthly book sale and our Charity Team would love any donations for the Raffle Table! (All proceeds go towards our selected ICON Charities for 2013/14 which will be announced at the October Meeting).

For our newest members who have not been to a meeting yet, directions are on our


Kerstin Kraass
We are delighted to have Kerstin Kraass as our speaker on this day. Kerstin is an intercultural trainer and consultant with specific focus on intercultural awareness and international management.Kerstin supports international working executives and expatriates to develop their competencies and to strengthen their international performance. She encourages tolerance and open mindness towards cultural differences and prepares for better
 understanding to make change happen. Kerstin's special expertise lies in training business people or their families working in an International-Scandinavian context. At the September Icon meeting Kerstin will address some specific cultural differences between Norway and other countries in general and why it is so important to be aware about culture and cultural differences while living abroad

Please check the ICON website regularly and of course sign up for our NEWSBLOG Here you will find full details of future meetings, coffee mornings, activities and other useful information.  

You can also check out our Facebook page at

At this meeting, you will also have the opportunity to catch up with old friends again, make some new friends and sign up for an Activity or two or even more!!

in Drobak

Recent Explore Oslo trip to Drobak

Whatever you choose to do, please come along and participate - our members are what make ICON so much fun!

As always, visitors are very welcome and may come to one meeting free
of charge before needing to become members. However, we do ask that
the full membership fee is paid on their second visit.


A reminder about fees for the 2013-2014 year so you can get organised
before the September meeting:  

The ICON Membership fee for 2013 will be NOK 400 for the full year Sept 2013 to Aug 2014. However, if you pay your membership in full before the meeting in October, then this will be discounted to NOK 350. We will also offer a sliding scale over the year for 1st time members e.g. if they join after Christmas. 
For those of you who haven’t renewed your membership for 2013-2014 year
yet, please do so ASAP either online or by cash at the September meeting.    The preferred method for payment is online and full details of how to do it are described on the ICON website:

The ICON bank account number is

If paying online, please remember to include “ICON 2013-2014
Membership” AND your name in the Reference section when making your
online banking payment. 

This is especially important for those of you have accounts in your spouse's or partner's name which is different to your own. This vital information will  enable both theTreasurer and Membership Secretary to know for certain who has paid their fees for the coming year.

Monday Morning ICON Walk this week!


Once you have paid your subscription for the new ICON year you will be
able to sign up for as many activities as you have time for.  Please
note that for those returning members who wish to continue with an
activity, you will need to sign up again so that the activity
organizer has an updated list of participants.  Emails from the
organiser will only be sent to those who have signed up for the new
year.  If you aren’t able to attend the meeting on the 17th, then please contact the activity organiser directly.


A new ICON password will be emailed out to our paid-up 2013-2014
Members and the updated Membership List protected by the new password
will be published on the website in October.

Members are, of course, always welcome to join or renew at any time
during the year, but in order to attend any activities or receive the
new password, you must renew before the end of
September 2013. If you have any questions regarding this, please
contact our Membership Secretary Karen Riding at


September 3, 2013

Dear Members of ICON,

Soon we will be starting a new school year at Ecole Franco Arabe Mademba.  The school continues to grow due to the support given by you, the members of ICON.  Mademba is well known in Thiaroye Sur Mer for the quality of teaching and its educational supplies provided by ICON.

Adama Baldeiroo, the Mademba’s director, has recently opened a new school twenty minutes outside Thiaryoe.  Based on the Mademba’s reputation, the village chief asked Adama to start a similar school for his people.

The new school has a preschool and 2 kindergarten classes.  (One kindergarten class meets in the morning and the second in the afternoon. Currently there are 103 students.  The preschool teacher is from the village and the kindergarten teacher formerly taught at Mademba.  The school is currently little more than a building site.  There are no desks and children sit below precariously placed concrete blocks.

With donations from ICON both schools continue to be improved and the kids have crayons, paper and a few books.  I am including some pictures of the new school. The children are beautiful!

Thank you again for making all this possible!

Julie L. Horan, PhD
Adjunct Professor
University of Virginia

Future Dates for Your Diary!

October 15, 2013, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
Program:  TBA 
November 19, 2013, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
Program: TBA
December 10th, 2013
Christmas Luncheon
at Baerumsverk at 11am
January 21st, 2014, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
Program: TBA
February 25th, 2013
Annual social gathering at Frognerseteren
 March 18, 2014, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
April 15, 2014, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
May 20, 2014, Tuesday
10:00 am
Høvik Church Hall
Sandviksveien 11
1363 Bærum
Program: TBA 
June 10th, 2014
Annual Summer luncheon
11am (location to be announced)

Special Announcement!

Congratulations to Our Vice-President Marie Clark Orring on her other new venture she started in July!

Marie and Kai

Marie and Kai tied the knot on the 20th July, in  Kelowna, BC, Canada. We wish them every happiness for the future!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pre ICON 2013 Launch - Coffee and Catch Up!

Thursday 29th August at 10.30 am

Please join us for Coffee at ALBERT`S BISTRO in Akerbrygge for Coffee and Catch Up from 10.30am. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are You Free for a Coffee?

Hei hei!

If you are free on Thursday ....why not come along for a coffee at Alberts Bistro in Akerbrygge.
A couple of us will definitely be there from 11am.
Will be great to see you and catch up with your summer stories so far!

See you there!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Photos of Summer Luncheon and Upcoming Events

ICON Summer Luncheon ...June 4th, 2013

Forty Two ICON members met at The Strand Restaurant to celebrate the end of the ICON year.
We had a wonderful lunch in a fantastic setting on a glorious day! President Vivien Black said farewell and thank you to the ICON Committee for 2012/13.

The wonderful Quilt made by the "Nordic Piece-Makers" was raffled and raised the fantastic sum of 5600 NOK for our Charities!  Mary Shoemann was the lucky winner who got to take the quilt home with her. Congratulations Mary!

A Big Thank You  to the ICON Committee for 2012/13

Pre-lunch Drinks

ICON Icons!

Hei hei!

Ladies Who Lunch!

Fun times

Waiting for the Raffle Results

Lots of stories to share..

Mums and Daughters


Getting to know you...

Hei Hei

Delicious Ladies and Delicious Meal..

Charity Team Marie Clarke and Alison Earl with President Vivien Black

Invitation to the BBQ on Saturday 22nd June

Have you replied to the Invitation to the BBQ at Leanne`s Home.  Please get back to her today (Thursday) to let her know if you are able to join us all. She will give you full address and directions.
Don`t forget it`s a Bring Your Own Everything!!

Coffee Morning On Tuesday 25th June
Please join us from 11am  at The Grand Hotel Roof Top Bar "Etoile".  Here is Link:Etoile Bar