
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Photos of Summer Luncheon and Upcoming Events

ICON Summer Luncheon ...June 4th, 2013

Forty Two ICON members met at The Strand Restaurant to celebrate the end of the ICON year.
We had a wonderful lunch in a fantastic setting on a glorious day! President Vivien Black said farewell and thank you to the ICON Committee for 2012/13.

The wonderful Quilt made by the "Nordic Piece-Makers" was raffled and raised the fantastic sum of 5600 NOK for our Charities!  Mary Shoemann was the lucky winner who got to take the quilt home with her. Congratulations Mary!

A Big Thank You  to the ICON Committee for 2012/13

Pre-lunch Drinks

ICON Icons!

Hei hei!

Ladies Who Lunch!

Fun times

Waiting for the Raffle Results

Lots of stories to share..

Mums and Daughters


Getting to know you...

Hei Hei

Delicious Ladies and Delicious Meal..

Charity Team Marie Clarke and Alison Earl with President Vivien Black

Invitation to the BBQ on Saturday 22nd June

Have you replied to the Invitation to the BBQ at Leanne`s Home.  Please get back to her today (Thursday) to let her know if you are able to join us all. She will give you full address and directions.
Don`t forget it`s a Bring Your Own Everything!!

Coffee Morning On Tuesday 25th June
Please join us from 11am  at The Grand Hotel Roof Top Bar "Etoile".  Here is Link:Etoile Bar