
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Upcoming Events

ICON Coffee Morning:

Friday October 25th at 10am

Please join us for coffee and chat at:
The Thief Hotel in Tjuvholmen (downstairs lounge) from 10am 

FILM SCREENING : October 30th

PHILOMENA:  a true story and a lovely movie, starring Judi Dench. Please see trailer for yourself:

It will be launched in Norway 15. November.


Members of ICON have been invited for a free-of-charge screening onWednesday 30 October at 12:15 at Filmen Hus, Dronningensgate 16, Oslo. Film starts precisely at 12:15.

After the screening you will be given out a questionnaire which they would like the audience to fill out since this is the purpose of the screening.


The screening has limited space, therefore it will be first-come, first-served. No signing-up in advance. So come in good time. Other international organizations will also be invited. 


The Norwegian site is:


The English site, IMDB:


Cocktail Party!

Saturday 2nd November at 7pm


You are cordially invited by ICON Board and Committee to our

"Meet the Partners"

Cocktail Party

Date: Saturday November 2nd, 2013

Time: 7 PM onwards

Location: Pamela Brooks’ House

Address: Will be forwarded on receipt of payment

RSVP: by 28th October

Cost: NOK 200 p/p to include Welcome Fizz and Canapés

Payment toICON Account No: 7131.11.99433

(Part of the money will be donated to an ICON charity)


If you think you may be very thirsty - BYOB! (Soft drinks



All members Welcome .... With or without partner!...Book early...

Limited numbers!



Thursday, October 10, 2013

Upcoming EVENTS and NEWS

Dear ICON Members...Happy Autumn!

For most of us, this is a time of transition...we say goodbye to summer...the leaves are beginning to turn and our children have headed back to school or college. Change is in the air! Pumpkins will soon be glowing in the fields.The days are shorter and crisp mornings signal winter`s approach.  Well summer may be well and truly gone but Autumn in Oslo can be just beautiful.Get out walking with the Walking or Explore Oslo Groups. Check out the end of summer sales and use autumn`s brisk and breezy days to shop to create a comfortable home all ready for the winter...Stock up on your candles and wash those fleeces and wraps for outside.You may have to wrap up summer`s outdoor areas but there is something comforting about coming inside for the winter evenings!! For many of you this will be your first Autumn in Oslo and you will find it to be a wonderful will start to notice all the candles burning brightly in all the stores and restaurants and you will really appreciate all the heaters outside and enjoy being able to sit under them Norwegian style with a warm hot chocolate on a cold day. Perhaps you will be thinking about the forthcoming ski season and you can check out the ski gear that will start to slowly appear in the shops..there are normally super sales in October.  Over the past six years, I`ve come to see that I have two choices in how I approach the changing seasons... I can either resist it or be open to what`s ahead and feel excited!
I am sure just about all of us are going through some significant change in our life right now. Has your husband started a new job, or has your child just started kindergarten/a new school,or perhaps you are a recent empty-nester? Maybe you are you settling into a completely new home, routine and environment? I do hope most of you have signed up for all the activities we have on offer here at ICON. From experience, I know you will slowly start to make new friends, new routines and look forward to the ever changing seasons that this beautiful country as to offer.

With Best wishes,

Vivien Black

Tuesday 15th October, 2013

Members Meeting at Hovik Church at 10am

Speaker:  Janne Stromme, Clinical Nutritionist

We are delighted to have Janne Stromme as our speaker on Tuesday.  Janne has a background as a Chef and then a Clinical Nutritionist at the University in Oslo.  Janne is going to speak to us about food choices in Norway and how to make the "right and healthy choices" in the best way! She will explain about the meaning of Norwegian Labels to help us choose and recognise foods we like and which like us! Janne has spent 8 years working with primarily familiar hypercholesterolemia and heart disease. She has also worked for one year in the Norwegian Meat and Marketing Board.  For the last two years she has had her own practice in Best Helse, a private health care Center in Nordstrand.


Thank you to our wonderful hospitality team who are all set to offer us delicious offerings at our forthcoming meetings...however..don`t forget that they are always very grateful for any contributions from members if you feel like whipping up a dish on a whim!


We will announce the Charities which we are supporting this year at the meeting on Tuesday...on that note...please contact our Charity Coordinators if you are able to donate anything for our Raffle (or feel free just to bring along on the day)

The Raffle raised 1100 NOK at the September meeting and wish to thank everyone who bought tickets and donated items. 

Friday October 25th, 2013

Coffee Morning at the stylish "Thief Hotel" in Tjuvholmen from 10am

Saturday November 2nd, 2013

Activity News

We now have 12 activities up and running this session.  You can still sign up for more activities on Tuesday and if you are unable to attend for any reason...please contact our Activity Coordinator on: for more information.

Walking Group
Monday Walking Group

The walking group had a lovely walk on Monday and these are some of the wonderful photographs which our new ICON photographer Lili Jeszenszky took on the walk.

Autumn in Oslo

Movie Night

September`s Movie night was a great success. A group of ladies enjoyed a film together and then 8 moved on for dinner out. We plan to hold the next movie night towards the end of November.

Explore Oslo

This was the last week of the Munch exhibitions at the National Gallery and Munch Museum. The Explore Oslo Group visited the University Auala Hall, Gallery and Museum, taking in a spot of lunch along the way.  If you wish to sign up for ICON`s Explore Oslo Group to participate in future events, then please email - don`t forget that in order to participate in any of ICON`s Activities, then you must be a paid-up member of ICON and on that note..a quick reminder that Tuesday`s meeting at Hovik is the final payment day in order to receive the discount membership of 350NOK as opposed to 400NOK.

Future Information from ICON

Make sure you sign up to receive the NEWSBLOG by email. We will not be sending out general emails to our membership from now on. From lst November, all information will be on the NEWSBLOG and if you have not signed up to receive it by email, you will miss out on future updates. So scroll up now to the top of the page and press the link which will activate your subscription.