
Friday, November 22, 2013

Upcoming Events

ICON Christmas Luncheon: Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am

The ICON Annual Christmas luncheon will take place on Wednesday December 11th at ll.30am.
Once again this will be held at the charming venue at Baerums Verk.  The Restaurant is called Vaertshuset and you can check it out here:

The cost for the lunch is 390 NOK for ICON Members and 420 NOK for non-members. We will also be offering our Members a Complimentary glass of wine, soft drink or coffee upon arrival!

Please make your payment to ICON Account No: 7131.11.99433. Last date for bookings is Wednedsay 4th December, 2013.

Limited don`t delay!

Once payment is received, your reservation will be confirmed. (please put Veg* if you require a vegetarian dish) and once you have paid, please send an email to
informing payment has been authorised so she can keep track of numbers.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Charity Christmas Raffle Info

The Raffle held at the Christmas Luncheon the past two years has been a great success and great fun! It is slightly different from our usual monthly raffle in that we ask members to donate "mystery prizes".

These are gifts which are already wrapped and ready to put under your tree or to pass on as a gift to someone you love!

 (a discreet description of the contents in an envelope attached to the outside, makes this possible).  

Because this is a rather special occasion and a big fundraiser for our Charities at this time of the year, we ask that the value of this gift is not less than 200NOK.  This helps with the sale of our tickets and guarantees that the lucky winners get a lovely prize. Please remember that this is OPTIONAL and NO ONE is under any obligation! We need both donors and ticket whichever  you are, you are helping to raise funds for our charities and will make a difference whilst hopefully having some good fun!!

ICON COFFEE MORNING Friday 29th November from 10am

Our next coffee morning will be held at:
Hotel link Bristol Hotel on Friday 29th November at 10am. Please come and join us in the lead up to Christmas. Town will be very festive and the hotel`s world famous hot chocolate as well as coffee will be on the go!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

                    Enjoy the run up to the holidays is a very special time in Oslo!