
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Dear ICON Members,

Marie Clark Orring and Vivien Black
I hope you have all had a wonderful festive season with your family and friends either in your home country or here in Norway!

The ICON Committee and myself are looking forward to seeing you all at our first meeting of 2014 at Hovik on Tuesday 2lst January, 2014.  Details will be following shortly but be prepared to get in the New Year Party spirit as we kick off the New Year with a fun filled meeting where you can catch up with everyone!

Restaurant at Baerums Werk

The Christmas Lunch was a huge success. I think everyone who was able to attend will agree that once again the Restaurant excelled itself in providing us with a fabulous meal and wonderful surroundings. I have popped up a Rogue`s Gallery below!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Christmas Raffle by either donating gifts or buying loads of tickets!  We raised the fantastic
sum of 5600 NOK which is just phenomenal and most gratefully received.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 2lst January, if not before, at a Committee Meeting or Activity.


There is going to be a special ICON workout session at the Collesseum Elixia on January 24th at 10am! It`s free and just for ICON members.  Please get in touch with Kirstin Reed to register. There is a limit of 20 spaces. They are hoping to offer a 5 to 10 week session just for ICON members and no membership of Elixia will be required.. A great opportunity to shake of those excess holiday pounds!
Please fill in this form to register: ICON Training Session (FREE)

With best wishes and every happiness for the forthcoming year!

Vivien Black