
Friday, May 30, 2014

You can still buy raffle tickets to win this beautiful quilt, lovingly made by several of our ICON ladies.  We made it specifically to donate to ICON to raise money for our charities.  Doesn't it just look like SUMMER?  I think it would be great for cuddling on the patio, reading a good book, sipping a nice cold drink...  If you could see yourself wrapped up in this comfy quilt, please buy a few tickets.  It is our last opportunity for the ICON year to raise money for our charities.  You have been so generous this year.  To buy tickets using your bankcard online before the luncheon on Tuesday, June 10, you can do so by following these simple directions.  

ICON account #7131.11.99433. 
Tickets are 100 NOK each

  • Put in the description line "for charity quilt" as well as your name and cell number or email. 
  • You DO NOT need to be present to win.  
  • Please send Mary a quick email at just to double check that we have all the raffle entries before the luncheon.
  • Deadline to purchase tickets online is Friday, June 6!!  
  • We will of course be selling tickets at the luncheon.
  • Good Luck!!!
    Here is a view of the back of the quilt, including the label we made.

    Here's a closer look at that label.

    Teenage girls would LOVE to get this quilt!

    Have a student that just graduated?  This quilt would spruce up the dorm room!

    This teenager wants it all to herself!

    Looks like she may have to fight her BFF for it!

June Luncheon

ICON Board and Committee Invite You to Our

June 10, 2014 @ 11:30 a.m.
The Strand Restaurant
Strandalleen 48 
1368 Stabekk, Bærum

Dear Members,
We are looking forward to seeing all of you at the luncheon!  We still have room for you!  Thank you to everyone who has already bought tickets online and let Marie know your food choice for lunch (salmon or veal).  For those of us who have NOT yet made our reservations or dining choices, here is the information you need:

ICON Account #7131.11.99433, re: your name, Email Marie re: salmon or veal

We would hate for anyone to miss out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our May Meeting is Next Week!

Tuesday, May 20 
10:00 @ Høvik Kirke

Norway is a BEAUTIFUL place to live.
 So we should embrace it.  How, you ask?  You might just get some ideas at our meeting!

Our speaker is from the NTA,
the Norwegian Trekking Association, Norway's biggest outdoor activities organization.  

For some 140 years, they have been working to promote trekking and to improve conditions for all who enjoy the country's broad range of outdoor attractions.

You won't want to miss out!


Our lovely hostesses, Pamela and Naoko have asked for food donations for the meeting this Tuesday, May 16.  Please bring them by 10:00 so everyone can enjoy.  Also, if anyone would like to help out in the kitchen, they have a lot of fun back there!  Thank you SO much!  We can't wait to see what scrumptious items come in!


This beautiful hand-crafted blanket could be yours!  Each raffle ticket is 50 NOK.
If you came to the meeting in April, you got to see the unveiling of the beautiful blanket that our very own ICON Knitting Group created and so kindly donated to raise money for our charities.  We started selling tickets at the meeting, and we will sell tickets again a the beginning of the May meeting next week.  Then, we will draw our lucky winner early in the meeting.  The good news is that you can buy tickets online if you do so by Friday, May 16.  You don't HAVE to be present to win, but we'd sure love to see you there, anyway.

If you would like to purchase raffle tickets online before the meeting, you can do so by following these simple instructions:
ICON account #7131.11.99433. 
Tickets are 50 NOK each
  • Put in the description line "for charity blanket" as well as your name and cell number or email. 
  • You DO NOT need to be present to win.  
  • Please send Mary a quick email at just to double check that we have all the raffle entries before the meeting.
  • Deadline to purchase tickets online is Friday, May 16!!  
  • We will of course be selling tickets at the meeting.
  • Good Luck!!!
What's this?
Remember that we will be drawing for the blanket EARLY in the meeting.  Don't worry, though.  We will give you plenty of time to get your last minute tickets!  After we raffle-off the blanket, we will unveil another surprise we have up our sleeves!  It's an exciting time of year!  

Pictures from ICON AGM in April

Our April Meeting was Fabulous!

Our President, Vivien Black signs the constitution that YOU voted to approve.
Thank you for your votes, by the way!

Ruma and Jamie are checking out the wonderful snacks that YOU
and the hospitality team, Pamela and Naoko provided.  Delicious!

Our guest speaker, Maiko Nishino who is the Principal Ballerina in Oslo, showed us how to be a swan.  It's no easy feat!  She was absolutely amazing!

This trio, Jamie, Laura Jo and Marcia enjoyed a great day at the charity table. 
Thanks to the generosity of our members, we raised 2800 kr!  Thank you to everyone who brought in a basket for the raffle, too.  We had a lot of fun!

Denise Hoyle went home with the ICON basket.

Maiko Nishino and a few friends from the many photo ops after the meeting.

Marcia and Jamie were surrounded by baskets for the raffle.
We hope that the winners enjoyed their baskets as much as we enjoyed putting them together.

Two lovely ladies:  
Maiko, Principal Ballerina of the Oslo Ballet Company and Marie, Vice President of ICON