
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pictures from ICON AGM in April

Our April Meeting was Fabulous!

Our President, Vivien Black signs the constitution that YOU voted to approve.
Thank you for your votes, by the way!

Ruma and Jamie are checking out the wonderful snacks that YOU
and the hospitality team, Pamela and Naoko provided.  Delicious!

Our guest speaker, Maiko Nishino who is the Principal Ballerina in Oslo, showed us how to be a swan.  It's no easy feat!  She was absolutely amazing!

This trio, Jamie, Laura Jo and Marcia enjoyed a great day at the charity table. 
Thanks to the generosity of our members, we raised 2800 kr!  Thank you to everyone who brought in a basket for the raffle, too.  We had a lot of fun!

Denise Hoyle went home with the ICON basket.

Maiko Nishino and a few friends from the many photo ops after the meeting.

Marcia and Jamie were surrounded by baskets for the raffle.
We hope that the winners enjoyed their baskets as much as we enjoyed putting them together.

Two lovely ladies:  
Maiko, Principal Ballerina of the Oslo Ballet Company and Marie, Vice President of ICON