
Friday, October 3, 2014

October Happenings - Oct.3

We have a location for our October and November ICON meetings!
Date:            Tuesday, October 21, 2014
                     Holtegaten 29
                     0355 Oslo
Parking is limited, we advise you to take public transportation. The Institute Français is on Trik Line #19.  The stop is Rosenborg

Time:            10:00
Topic:           DRIVING IN NORWAY
Herman Anker of Fornebuta  trafikk skole will speak to us about the ins and outs of driving in Norway.  Please join us!

Other Dates to remember:

Monday, October 13th – Coffee Morning at Expresso House
                                         Olav 5 Gate – near National Theater

Saturday, October 18th  Meet the Partners Party 

Please visit our blog in the upcoming weeks for more information on these events!  Also, please note that our November meeting will also be held at  The Institut Français.