
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January News

The Board and Committee wish to take this opportunity to wish all of our members a very Happy New Year!

January 15th - "A Whole New You!"

Our next Member`s meeting takes place on Tuesday 15th January at 10am at Hovik.

The topic is "A Whole New You!"

Come along prepared to have fun, get motivated and be inspired!  Members and guests will be introduced to some helpful Coaching techniques and will leave the meeting having brainstormed their most important Goals for 2013 and be ready to take their first step to action them!

We will also have three guests joining us on the day:You will be able to meet and chat to them about the services they offer.

For over a  decade, Basia has been helping individuals reach their " Whole New You"  through the practice of Yoga, more specifically Ashtanga Yoga, the yoga of the Hollywood stars!! (Madonna, Sting, Natalie Portman, etc)  Basia is Polish-Canadian, and actually began her yoga adventure during  her 10 year sojourn in Japan. She is the most advanced female practitioner in Norway, providing classes, workshops , retreats, and teacher trainings here and in Europe. Being an artist as well, she has been involved with creative projects which range from art direction, commercial design and illustration to performance and modelling within the yoga industry. 

Elizabeth Grønn has been a therapist at Balansepunktet Clinic since she founded it in 2003. She offers therapies that promote balance for the body, mind and spirit, supporting the body’s own self regulating and healing capacity: Reflexology, Reijukido reiki, Bach flower remedies and psychosynthesis counseling. She also offers weekly reiki & meditation evenings where everyone is welcome. Balansepunktet clinic 

Chanette Roihjert is the founder of Dine Sanser which provides the gentle stress releasing treatment in Tactile-touch, Parent classes in Baby Massage and Good Food Cooking Classes. 

This meeting is one not to be missed! See you there!

PS: Dont forget to adhere to the parking requests of Hovik Church!

We Need YOU!!

At this meeting, we need some extra help with the hospitality.  One of our hospitality co-ordinators has just had to temporarily move out of her house due to severe flooding!  As you can imagine this has caused her major disruption and she has asked if any members would be willing to step in to help in the kitchen at our meeting this month.  If anyone is willing to come early to give a hand or if you are able to bring a dish, please can you contact our hospitality leader at:  Thank you for your help.

Explore Oslo - Leader Required

Our wonderful Explore Oslo Co-ordinator Sonja Myhre has landed herself a fabulous new full-time job and we wish her every success in her new position. This leaves an opening for one of our members to takeover this fun and fulfilling role. The activity normally takes place once a month and there is a long list of ideas for the next six months already in place!  This role would suit an existing Explore Oslo member, however it would also be ideal for any new ICON members. It is a wonderful way to meet other ICON members and you get to investigate new places and activities in Oslo with a ready made circle of new friends!!  Please contact if you would like to get involved.

Charity News

Last month at our wonderful Christmas Luncheon, we raised the grand total of NOK 4165. Ali and Marie wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated and bought tickets for the Raffle.  Once again we will hold our monthly raffle and if anyone has anything they would like to donate, please can you contact the team at: Anything you donate will be greatly appreciated and save Ali and Marie from scavenging round Oslo!


Hop on over to our "new look" website.  You can navigate yourself over there easily using the link on this blog. If anyone has any recent pictures from activities which would look good on the website please forward them to our Website Co-ordinator at:

Coffee Morning - Tuesday 29th January from 11am

ICON`S next Coffee Morning will take place on Tuesday 29th January from 11am at the Hotel Bristol  A popular meeting point for politicians, musicians and actors since the 1920s, we will meet in the Library Bar.  The Bristol Hotel is only 3 minutes walk from the National Theatre. Look forward to seeing you there.

"Meet the Partners!"-  Friday lst February 

Here is an opportunity to show-off your other half! Bring your partner along to mingle with other interesting ICON characters and their partners! This will be the highlight of 2013 for them!  Cost will be 200 NOK to include delicious Canapes and a welcome drink. Invitation and venue will be sent out later in the month!

Notes of Interest....

Membership - Over 100 members from 26 different countries. Spread the word and invite your friends to enjoy a meeting and sign up to enjoy the many benefits of an ICON membership.

Events in Oslo

The Events List is a non-profit, community service intended for individuals of the English speaking community in and around Oslo.  All email addresses on the distribution list are kept confidential.  Individuals may receive their own copy of the Events list by sending an email with the word REQUEST in the subject line


In order to receive regular updates from this NEWS must fill in the "subscribe by email" link on the main page.  Once you have filled this in, you will be sent an email from the provider asking you to confirm that you have indeed requested this and from then on you will automatically be sent any updates.  When it arrives to you in email format, click on any of the links and you will be taken to the proper blog.