
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reminders of Upcoming Events

"Meet the Partners" Cocktail Party -
 Friday lst February, 2013 from 7pm - 9pm

RSVP no later than Friday 25th if you wish to attend this event. Full details are on the invitation which was emailed to all members.

Social Coffee Morning -
Tuesday 29th January, 2013

We welcome you to join us at Bristol Hotel from 11am. This is a really lovely traditional hotel and we will meet in the Library Bar.

February ICON Meeting for Members  
Tuesday February 12th at llam

Enjoy coffee and tea and the most fabulous view over the Fjord..... and for the more adventurous of us...after coffee, our Vice-President has offered to lead a Sledging group (Also known as SLEDDING) on the fun run next to Frogneseteren. Get a taster from the video below!! (don`t panic it`s not as scary as it looks!) Don`t forget to dress for the occasion.  Sledges and helmets can be hired at the venue!

For directions to Frogneseteren, please use the ICON website link and go to "Meetings".

 Explore Oslo - Monday 4th February, 2013

We are delighted to announce that Janet Maybank has taken on the role of Explore Oslo Leader:

The first Explore Oslo visit for this year will be a guided tour of Rådhuset: Oslo City Hall  The interior walls are covered with wonderful murals depicting life in Norway and historical events.  Learn about the history of the Rådhus and how its many rooms are used today.

Address:  Rådhuset, Fridjof Nansens Plass.  A short walk from National Theatre; turn second right after the Continental Hotel/Theatre Cafe and the City Hall is in front of you.

RSVP:  If you would like to attend please contact Janet. 

For your calendar the next visit will be to the Viking Ship Museum on Friday 1st March: more details nearer the time.

January`s Meeting...

Thank you to everyone who helped make January`s meeting such a success.

Around 50 members took part in a Motivational Morning called "A Whole New You" by Create Time For Your Life. We all worked out, and set our goals for 2013 and took part in some fun coaching exercises.

We raised nearly 2000 NOK for our Charities from our Raffle for which had some fabulous donations for Coaching Sessions from Create Time For Your Life,  Reflexology from Balansepunktet, Good Food Classes from Dine Sanser and Yoga classes from Basia Lipska-Larsen.

Notes of Interest

Membership - 105 members from 26 different countries.  Please spread the word and invite your friends!

Events in Oslo

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