
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Upcoming Events and News

Show, Tell and Sell Meeting at Hovik on Tuesday 2lst May at 10am

We are delighted to announce that we have 12 tables at our "Show, Tell and Sell" meeting on Tuesday.  Come along and support our members who have worked hard either at their activity sessions or on their private enterprises!

Some of the exhibits include: two massage therapy exhibits ( with one therapist offering complementary free hand massages!), a quilting table showcasing the quilting group`s work; healthy foods (offering free smoothie and granola samples), a table showcasing the sewing groups work; bags and other sewn items for sale; two tables showcasing ICON s various activities; two tables with different styles of jewellery for sale; knitted items;


In March 2013 a group of 29 Oslo International School students, four faculty from OIS including the CAS Coordinator Diane Cooper participated in a community project hosted by United World College (UWC) near the city of Pune.  The project consisted of helping two surrounding villages build community centres, clean up the villages by collecting trash and teaching the importance of recycling, working with other international students on their CAS projects which included; visiting a local school to help children with art, a orphanage, a mentally disabled adult facility, a farm and an HIV clinic for children. Students experienced life in a rural Indian community and closely interacted with the people living in the village. The idea behind United World College was to integrate students like theirs with the Akshara students who live in the small villages where they worked.

At our meeting on Tuesday, we will have the honor of guest speakers from OIS  presenting the PUNE Project Trip.  We will take this opportunity to present OIS with the donation cheque from ICON members. 

Nordic Piecemakers' 2013 Charity  Quilt

Nordic Piecemakers Charity Quilt

At our meeting on well as our normal monthly raffle, we will also be selling tickets for our fabulous QUILT pieced together by the ICON quilting group! (The Nordic Piecemakers!)
The draw for this quilt will take place at the ICON summer Luncheon. However, you can purchase tickets for the quilt at Tuesday`s meeting and then `last chance`tickets at the lunch.  You can also send money along with a friend!! Please don`t despair if you are not able to attend the luncheon and your name is we promise to get the quilt to you!

100 per cent of monies raised goes to our three charities.

Lunch at The Strand on Tuesday 4th June at 11.30am

Please join us for our ICON Summer Luncheon at:
 The Strand Restaurant (LINK)

 We will have our own private room in the Ballsalen on the fjord near Stabaak

The lunch will consist of an aperitif, and a  two course lunch (main course plus desert);

Main Course:

Braised pork Belly "BBq" with tzatIki and coriander sauce...

Vegetarian Option: 

 Morrel and cabbage dome with potato cream and salsify


 Creme Brûlée with raspberry sorbet


330NOK for members and 380NOK for guests.

This will include an aperitif either alcholic (bubbly!) or non-alcoholic....)

Please sign up for the lunch by sending an email to giving your name and name of your guest (if bringing one). Please also state if you would like the vegetarian option.  Bring your fee for the lunch to the meeting or Tuesday at Hovik or pay online to ICON account number: 
Latest date for bookings is Friday 31st May.

Coffee Morning News

15 Ladies met on a lovely sunny morning at Kafe Celsius.

We will hold more coffee get together s over the this space..

ICON Community Service:

A group from ICON visited Cathinka Guldberg Retirement Home on Thursday.  They made a 17th of May inspired lunch and ate together with the residents.  Ann Sofie made a Swedish strawberry and cream cake and the group brought salmon, salt meat, kransekake, fresh bread and berries.  A great day was had by all..both residents and visitors alike.

ICON Community Group

The Kiwi: By David-Leanne Daines
Thank you to Leanne for writing this inspiring article about her home country!

The Kiwi...

An indigenous bird of New Zealand, Aotearoa, Kiwi is also a slang term for the people of this country. It is flightless like many of our indigenous birdlife having being able to roam freely for 80 million years with no natural predators therefore the need for flight superfluous. In fact we have a few species of animal so unique to New Zealand that they are called ‘Living Fossils’.
The country is made up of two main islands with numerous smaller ones around. The indigenous people of NZ, the Maori used the term Aotearoa as the country’s name due to seeing it as a ‘land of the long white cloud’ back in 1250 CE when they first landed. 
We have 4.5 million people today with 25% of them living in our largest city, Auckland. The capital city is Wellington and the most famous city now is Christchurch having endured catastrophic earthquakes over the last 2 years that has decimated the city and its structures. They are slowly rebuilding despite still enduring smaller earthquakes.
The best time to visit is in February as it is our hottest month and all school children have returned to the classroom. In order to see this country properly you will be wise to spend at least 4 weeks here and spend 2 and half weeks in the South Island and 1 and half weeks in the North. I say this because the South is the most picturesque and it is also the longest of the two islands. The country is 1600km long and 400 km wide. We follow the British driving side and predominately are a country that is welcoming of visitors. We have great wine, food and vistas along with a range of accommodation to suit all budgets. Visiting can be as relaxing or as full on as you choose. Decide on your route and if you can try and ask a local for their advice you will get to add extras to your trip that will make it a sublime experience.
We have 15,134km of coastline with interior land ranging from dense forests to steep mountain ranges. Our largest mountain is Mt Cook, Mt Aoraki (3,754m) which is used by many mountaineers for practice before heading to climb K2 and Everest.

Where I grew up I was 10 minutes to a lake, 20 minutes to beach, 3 hours to skiing and 1 hour from city shopping. There are many places like this in NZ which is why there are many outdoor activities on offer and many of us are outdoor people. We are surrounded by nature and are slowly learning how to use it and take care of it so that it lasts for generations to come.