
Friday, March 14, 2014

Activity Coordinator Information, March 2014

A note from Patrizia our Activities Coordinator:


Being a coordinator for an ICON activity isn't too difficult;  you just need a lot of enthusiasm and a bit of work.  If you are interested in taking over as coordinator of an existing activity, you need to contact the current coordinator if you want to keep it running the way it has been, or you can make some changes, as well.  

However, if you would like to start a NEW activity, it's a little more complicated but still not difficult.  The first step would be to contact the Activities Coordinator (Patrizia) and explain your plan.  She can then help you organize the new group.  Together, you will prepare the description of the new activity for prospective group participants.  Then, you can work together to build up excitement and recruit members at the monthly ICON meetings, on Facebook, the ICON blog and website.  Once you have your group of interested "groupies" you can plan when and where and how often you will meet.  

To be an ICON activity, with the support of the Activities Coordinator and publicity, ALL YOUR PARTICIPANTS MUST BE PAID MEMBERS OF ICON.  If you choose to enlist members outside of ICON, it will no longer be considered and ICON activity.

If there is a FEE required for participation in a group activity, the coordinator does not necessarily NEED to be an ICON member, but it must be made clear from the beginning that to be advertised as an ICON activity, the paid members of ICON must be given a reduced price over non-ICON participants.  However, this allows the coordinator to enlist outside of ICON.

Please contact