
Friday, March 14, 2014

March 2014

*Tuesday March 18 in Høvik--NEXT WEEK
  April 29 in Høvik
  May 20 in Høvik
  June 10 Luncheon, details to be confirmed

*Next week's meeting will have an international feel to it, but we need your help.  Our terrific hospitality team has asked for people to bring snacks from their home countries.  As for the meeting itself...Well, as usual we will have lots of fun while bringing up some familiar faces to enlighten us on some of the things that keep us busy in Oslo while we call it home. Some members will talk about Volunteering Opportunities in Oslo and others will talk about how they got employment here. You won't want to miss it!  Also, don't forget about buying your raffle tickets!  We have some great gifts that have been donated for this month's meeting!  

ICON Coffee Morning:
Friday the 29th of March 25 beginning 10:00
Swashbuckler Coffeebar Nr 1

Join us for a good cup of coffee and some even better company!

Meet the Partners Cocktail Party
Saturday the 29th of March
To be hosted at a member's home in Bygdøy
Invitations have already been sent out.

 Please contact 

It will be 150 nok per couple, plus a bottle of Cava, Presseco or wine.  If you are feeling extra thirsty, feel free to bring an extra bottle of wine.

by payment to:  ICON Account # 7131.11.99433


Explore Oslo's
Visit to Freia Chocolate Factory!
Tuesday, 1st April @ 9:30 am
Cost is 100 nok.
Numbers are limited, so if you would like to join us, please book your spot with Janet at

A highlight of the tour is the collection of 12 Munch paintings located in the dining hall, but we will also see the production process and sample some chocolate.  You will also have an opportunity to visit the chocolate shop to buy goodies at reduced prices--just in time for Easter!